Sunday, June 8, 2014

A personal message from the producer of Tiki Kon

Aloha, friends!

If we haven't met, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Greg, and I'm the producer of Tiki Kon. For the past two years, I've donated my time and poured my heart into this event and supporting the Northwest Tiki community. Now I need your help to support a great cause that's near to my heart and affects many members in our group. We have less than two weeks to meet our fundraising goal!


On June 21, the longest day of the year, the Alzheimer's Association is holding their all-day fundraising event, The Longest Day. Team Tiki Kon has signed up to participate, and our goal is to raise $1,600. It's like a walk-a-thon, except we get to create our own activities, and they go from sunrise to sunset. Please consider making a tax-deductible pledge to our team and helping us meet our goal. Even the smallest contribution helps

Just days after last summer's Tiki Kon, my grandmother passed away after a decade-long battle with Alzheimer's. Over ten years, I watched my dear tutu (that's Hawaiian for grandmother) slowly deteriorate from being a strong, independent woman who brought me souvenirs from Hawaii ever year, to a bedridden, feeble husk of her former self. It was a miserable, slow death that was heartbreaking to watch, and even more so as she slipped into dementia and no longer recognized her loving family members.

Tiki Kon chooses a charity to support each year, and this year I selected the Alzheimer's Association in memory of my grandmother. If you've lost someone to Alzheimer's, or know someone who has, please honor their memory by supporting this very worthy organization.

Thank you!

--Greg Clapp, Tiki Kon Producer

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